Imran Siddiq

Professional Qualifications:
2007: Enrolled as an Advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh
2005: Enrolled as an Advocate, Dhaka Bar
2004: Called to the Bar of England and Wales from the Hon’ble Society of Gray’s Inn
Academic Qualifications:
2000-2003: LLB (Hons.) London School of Economics, London
Work Experience:
2004: Present Associate, The Law Counsel, Chambers of Abdur Razzaq,
Barrister-at-Law, Senior Advocate
Particulars of Work Experience:
Administrative Law:
Extensive experience of drafting, conducting and contesting judicial review applications. Appeared on behalf of Meghna Group of Industries Ltd in numerous judicial review applications challenging decisions of nationalized banks, various Ministries of the Government of Bangladesh and a number of major State Corporations, including the Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation. Appeared on behalf of government bodies such as the National Board of Revenue, the Chittagong Development Authority, Bangladesh Biman, Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh, the National Curriculum and Text-book Board, and a number of Ministries of the Government in judicial review applications. Represented a leading group of shipping companies in judicial review applications against the decisions of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation
Arbitration :
Appeared on behalf of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation against a local shipping
company, Atlantic Shipping Company Ltd. Appeared on behalf of the Bangladesh
Restaurant Owners Association before the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers Commerce and Industries (FBCCI) Arbitration Tribunal in a dispute between the FBCCI and the BROA.
Banking Law:
Represented Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd and Meghna Group of Industries Ltd. in a number of cases before the High Court Division and the Loan Recovery Courts. Provided legal assistance for the conversion of First Security Bank into an Islami Bank. Provided legal opinion to several banks, including leading Islamic Banks such as First Security Bank Ltd and Islamic Bank Bangladesh Ltd.
Corporate Law:
Extensive experience in Corporate matters, including instituting proceedings for rectification of share registers and drafting partnership agreements and Memorandum and Articles of Association. Drafted opinions and legal notices and instituted various legal proceedings on behalf of numerous companies, including Meghna Group of Industries Ltd which is the largest manufacturer of condensed milk in Bangladesh. Provided legal opinion to leasing companies and financial institutions, including Prime Finance and Investment Ltd and Union Capital Ltd. Represented a major Korean Insurance company in the District Court of Bangladesh for enforcement of an arbitration award against a local company. Provided legal assistance to various foreign companies in setting up subsidiary companies/ liaison offices in Bangladesh. Providing legal advice and assistance as the local counsel for the World Bank ‘Doing Business’ Project.
Govt. contracts:
Provided legal assistance to the Ministry of Industries in a dispute arising out of a breach of the contract. Provided legal advice and assistance to Bangladesh Oil and Gas Mineral Corporation in relation to a major dispute arising out of a contract with NIKO for the exploration and development of local gas fields. Represented National Curriculum and Text-book Board (NCTB), a public body in a dispute arising out of a contract entered into between NCTB and a local firm of contractors.
Public Procurement
Appeared on behalf of a shipping company in judicial review applications dealing with issues arising out of the Public Procurement Regulations 2003. Represented the Ministry of Planning in a major litigation in which the constitutionality of the Public Procurement Regulations was challenged.
Dealing with Insurance Matters in relation to Bangladesh National Insurance Company
Limited, Popular Life Insurance Company Limited, Homeland Life Insurance Company
Limited and filing judicial review applications against the Chief Controller of Insurance, Insurance Directorate.
Trademark Law:
Represented a leading group of companies in a trademark dispute with a rival business group.
Anti-Bribery law:
Providing advice to TRACE International, Washington on anti-bribery related laws in Bangladesh.